Today's book is Take the Ex Out of Ex-Boyfriend by Janette Rallison. The description of this book is:
Boyfriends are supposed to be loyal, caring and handsome. Giovanna's boyfriend Jesse may have the last two down, but he's seriously lacking in the loyalty department. When her twin brother, Dante, runs for student body president, Jesse campaigns for the opponent. In the heat of the moment, Giovanna dumps Jesse and becomes Dante's campaign manager. But she almost immediately regrets her decision. Beating the mayor's son at school politics and winning her boyfriend back are going to take a lot more risk than Giovanna ever dreamed she'd take.
This is another book I found browsing through my library! This book was soooo good! I didn't know if it was going to be too interesting based on the description but It turned out to be amazing! The whole plot was so cute and Giovanna is such a great character. Her sarcastic and joking tone made me laugh throughout the whole book! And of course Jesse is great too! You wont know if you should love him or hate him till the end, but I wont ruin the surprise! This book was such a quick and upbeat read. I always love when books can make me laugh. Although, if anyone's around me they usually look at me like I'm crazy. But anyway, If you're looking for a funny and cute book, this one's for you! Hope you guys enjoy :]
Oh my gosh I love Janette Rallison! She's one of my favorite authors! This book looks really good, and I was at the library this afternoon darn! My favorite book by her so far is My Fair Godmother. It sounds stupid (and the cover I found wasn't very persauding either) but it was really good! I highly recomend it! Have an awesome day!
Hey again Tricia, I just noticed at the bottom of this page, there's a picture of you and Sarah Dessen and it looks a lot like Politics and Prose bookstore in the backround from her October 9th event that I went to! If it's from the same event cool! If not well then we've both still met Sarah Dessen! Have a great day!
PS. I hope you don't mind my saying that you look a lot like Amanda Bines when she was a brunette! She should have never gone blond!
ReplyDeleteI'm really glad you like Janette Rallison! I'll have to check that book out! The picture of me and Sarah was actually from her signing in Durham at the Regulator Bookstore though. It was on June 16 when Along for the Ride was released. But that's really cool you met her too! I'm glad you like her a lot. She's really cool in person :]
PS: I don't mind at all! Amanda Bynes is really pretty so thank you for the compliment :]
Hi Tricia, I just wanted to comment and wish you a happy Halloween! My room mates and I are goin out in teen age ninja turtle costumes! We look like dorks, but so far everyone has loved it! I hope you have fun tonight!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! That sounds like a really cool costume actually! I didn't actually get to dress up this year :[ but I had fun watching some scary movies :] hope you had fun!
Hey Tricia, my best friend who moved just recently is gonna check out your site and tell her friends about it! Right now she's sick and her family won't let her out around the house and there's no internet in her room. So once she's not contagious you can expect comments from her too!
Aww thank you so much for spreading the word! It means a lot! Hope she feels better :]
ReplyDeleteHi I'm Janette and I was just wondering when the next review is. Sorry but I haven't read any of these books, I'm thinking of checking out a good number of them soon though
I just posted a new entry! Hope you like it!