Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Love Story by Jennifer Echols

Hello again! I've got a review of the amazing Jennifer Echols's new book, Love Story, for you guys! It doesn't come out until mid-July, but I was lucky enough to have scored an ARC to review! Here's the description:

For Erin Blackwell, majoring in creative writing at the New York City college of her dreams is more than a chance to fulfill her ambitions--it's her ticket away from the tragic memories that shadow her family's racehorse farm in Kentucky. But when she refuses to major in business and take over the farm herself someday, her grandmother gives Erin's college tuition and promised inheritance to their maddeningly handsome stable boy, Hunter Allen. Now Erin has to win an internship and work late nights at a coffee shop to make her own dreams a reality. She should despise Hunter . . . so why does he sneak into her thoughts as the hero of her latest writing assignment?

Then, on the day she's sharing that assignment with her class, Hunter walks in. He's joining her class. And after he reads about himself in her story, her private fantasies about him must be painfully clear. She only hopes to persuade him not to reveal her secret to everyone else. But Hunter devises his own creative revenge, writing sexy stories that drive the whole class wild with curiosity and fill Erin's heart with longing. Now she's not just imagining what might have been. She's writing a whole new ending for her romance with Hunter . . . except this story could come true.

Sounds completely awesome, right? Well, it was! Jennifer Echols never ceases to amaze me with her wonderful and sizzling chemistry between her two main characters. You feel as if you are in the story yourself, feeling what they feel. I told you guys how much I love, love, loved Going Too Far and Forget You, so you can guess that I was extremely excited to read her next romantic drama.
Erin and Hunter are two very real characters. Jennifer always develops her characters so well, making them feel like they're my real friends. Love Story adds a cool twist by sort of telling Erin and Hunter's past and feelings through stories they write for their Creative Writing class. Their stories add to the characters depths and ultimately shows you more of the character's soul.
I definitely had some laughs throughout this book, and like always, I was definitely on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what happened between Erin and Hunter. Their attraction, confusion, chemistry and even hatred for each other made the ride interesting, beautiful, and true. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves YA. Love Story is a perfect example of what YA is all about.
Happy Reading!


  1. hey hey!!! Sounds AMAZING! I have to go to thel library today so I'm glad I checked your blog for some good reads. Oh and I was going through some of your old posts and came across the one for My Fair Godmother! Love love loved it. I wanted to let you know that the sequel is out. It's called My Unfair Godmother by Jeanette Rallison. i'm in the middle of it, but its reeeeaallly good. See ya later byee!!

    ~Mandy~ aka Mrs. Tapes' daughter :))

  2. I have one of Jennifer Echols' first books, but I haven't read it yet. She always gets fantastic reviews, though, so I'm figuring I have to pick something up.

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  10. This book was fanrastic and i could not stop reading!!! I just wish there was more to the ending. Find out what happens over thanksgiving between erin and her grandma. And what happens with erin and hunter. More of theyre love story should be shared!

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