Exciting news for today though! I just got a new ARC in the mail. It's called Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins. It sounds really cool so I'm excited to start reading it. Especially because my sister has a boyfriend who lives in Paris!
I also got a Sarah Dessen Lock and Key necklace! I won it in a book cover contest on one of her official websites I told you guys about-- Sarah-land. I will post a picture of it as soon as I get my hands on it, but unfortunately the book and necklace are at home and I'm at school!
Thanks for everyone who has been hanging in there and checking the blog for more reviews! Now that I'm back at school I'll have more time to get you guys some reviews. I'm currently working on reading Tips on Having a Gay Ex-boyfriend, Imaginary Enemy, The Nature of Jade, and Anna and the French Kiss!
Now on to the next part of today's post. There is a new and very awesome website up called YA Contemps. I'll post the linked image at the bottom of this post and also on the sidebar of this blog so you guys can check it out anytime! This website is hosted by a bunch of YA contemperary authors, such as Sarah Ockler and Elizabeth Scott. It is definitely worth checking out so make sure you head over there! They have stuff going on almost every day of the week, including contests and personal high school stories and pictures.
PS: If you guys want to follow me on twitter, here's the link: http://twitter.com/trishuhhhr
I mostly just write to authors and will update on when I have a new post on the blog. I'll also be adding links to cool author contests where you can win free stuff. Also, let me know if you want me to post and links for information on the publishing industry.
Here is the YA Contemps link banner:

Glad to see that you're back! :)