Hey everyone! I finally got a handle on my computer issues, and I have been really sick lately so that's why there hasn't been many posts lately! But it's all better now, so we can finally get back on schedule! Today I've got an awesome author interview with you guys because I know I haven't posted one in a long time. Her name is Stephanie Perkins and she's the author of the phenomenal book, Anna and the French Kiss. Hope you enjoy the interview!
1. Where did you get the idea for Anna and the French Kiss?
"The idea arrived in a dream. I saw a beautiful boy sitting on the steps of the Panthéon in Paris, and I knew that I was deeply in love with him. It was impossible to resist! Or, more accurately, the boy was impossible to resist."
2. If you could work with any other author, who would it be?
"I'd love to do a project with either of my critique partners, Laini Taylor or Kiersten White. Amazing ladies, amazing writers."
3. Are there any parts of your books that are based on events in your own life?
"Sure! None of the big events are mine (for instance, unlike Anna, I've never been to boarding school in Paris), but a sizable chunk of the everyday situations are inspired by things that have happened to me or acquaintances of mine. It's difficult for me to imagine an author making EVERYTHING up!"
4. How long did it take to find an agent/publish your first book after finishing the manuscript?
"I was lucky. Once my manuscript was out in the world, things moved quickly. But I spent a LOT a LOT a LOT of time revising before submitting it to my future agent! I queried in the best fighting shape possible, and it paid off. After signing with my agent, I did one more revision that took about a month, and then she sent it out to two editors. I received offers from both of them that same month. I truly believe that things moved fast because I put in the hard work and time BEFORE sending it out into the world. (But I was also really darn lucky!)"
5. What advice would you give to people who "run out of creativity" when writing?
"It happens to everyone. It sucks, but you have to work through it. Try writing a different section of the book, interviewing a character, revising an old scene, ANYTHING. If you stop working, guess what? The book doesn't get written. And the longer you stay away from a project, the harder it is to go back. The sucky truth is that most writers have more difficult days than easy days. As much as I love my job, it's still work. Work isn't always fun. And it's unfair to yourself to pretend that every day of writing will be fun, just because it's creative. Work is work, no matter what field you're in. It won't always feel magical, but it WILL get better. So keep going!"
Make sure to head on over to Steph's official website, www.stephanieperkins.com
And don't forget to buy her book when it comes out in December!
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